09:45-12:15 講演・デモ(第1部) 13:30-15:00 講演・デモ(第2部) OFP User's Guide to the IHK/McKernel Multi-kernel Operating System *IHK: Interface for Heterogeneous Kernels (講師) Balazs Gerofi (RIKEN R-CCS) (実施項目) High-level overview of IHK/McKernel Evaluation on up to 8,192 OFP nodes User's guide for McKernel on OFP A historical overview of OS research in HPC, lightweight kernels and multi-kernels Implementation details of IHK/McKernel (必要な予備知識等)特に無し (注)講演・デモは英語で実施されますが,日本語での質疑応答は可能です