Supercomputing Division, Information Technology Center, The University Tokyo

Application forms/Application guidelines

Application forms for FY2025
* Download application forms for FY2024 here

New application

The applicant number and registered e-mail address of the representative, liaison, person-in-charge of payment, addressee for invoice, and users are required when applying. If the persons do not have an applicant number, please ask them to complete the application for the registration of applicant information by themselves from the link below. If the person-in-charge of payment belongs to the University of Tokyo, registration is not required for addressee for invoice, as we will set up the addressee for invoice.
FY2025 Application
Cost of use
Application for registration or change of applicant infomation

New application for Regular use (General)


Appendix 3: Cost of Use
  Appendix 3 (web version)
Appendix 4: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 4 (web version)

Appendix 1: Cost of Use
  Appendix 1 (web version)
Appendix 2: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 2 (web version)

Fixed Nodes / Reserved GPU

FY2025 Application
Cost of use
New applications
(Fixed Nodes)
(Reserved GPU)
* Presentation materials (Power Point) must also be submitted for Fixed Nodes.
PDF Appendix 1: Cost of Use
  Appendix 1 (web version)
Appendix 2: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 2 (web version)
* Presentation must be given via Zoom for Fixed Nodes. Please include the following information in your presentation materials in Power Point. (Presentation time: 10 minutes or less, Q&A: 10 minutes)
  • Summary of implementation details
  • Estimation of computation time, etc.
  • Reasons to apply for Fixed Nodes
    • Run time is more than 48 hours and cannot be restarted.
    • Requires the use of special hardware and software. Details if separate environment (login node, storage, network attached license server) is required.
    • If communication with the external network is required, a description of how it will be used.

Application for changes

Under construction

Application forms for FY2024

New application

The applicant number and registered e-mail address of the representative, liaison, person-in-charge of payment, addressee for invoice, and users are required when applying. If the persons do not have an applicant number, please ask them to complete the application for the registration of applicant information by themselves from the link below. If the person-in-charge of payment belongs to the University of Tokyo, registration is not required for addressee for invoice, as we will set up the addressee for invoice.
FY2024 Application
Cost of use
Application for registration or change of applicant infomation

New application for Regular use (General)


Appendix 3: Cost of Use
  Appendix 3 (web version)
Appendix 4: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 4 (web version)

Appendix 1: Cost of Use
  Appendix 1 (web version)
Appendix 2: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 2 (web version)

Fixed Nodes / Reserved GPU

FY2024 Application
Cost of use
New applications
(Fixed Nodes)
(Reserved GPU)
* Presentation materials (Power Point) must also be submitted for Fixed Nodes.
PDF Appendix 1: Cost of Use
  Appendix 1 (web version)
Appendix 2: Cost of Use by Month
  Appendix 2 (web version)
* Presentation must be given via Zoom for Fixed Nodes. Please include the following information in your presentation materials in Power Point. (Presentation time: 10 minutes or less, Q&A: 10 minutes)
  • Summary of implementation details
  • Estimation of computation time, etc.
  • Reasons to apply for Fixed Nodes
    • Run time is more than 48 hours and cannot be restarted.
    • Requires the use of special hardware and software. Details if separate environment (login node, storage, network attached license server) is required.
    • If communication with the external network is required, a description of how it will be used.

Application for changes

Notification regarding change application
Change application for Regular use (General) will be available through the web form from FY2024. For change of group users, project information, payment method and supercomputer resources, please apply using the web form below.
Change application for Regular use (General)

When applying for a change of group users, the applicant number and registered e-mail address of the persons who wish to be added are required. If the persons do not have an applicant number, please ask them to complete the application for the registration of applicant information by themselves from the link below.
Changes to the applicant information (affiliation, e-mail address, etc.) of each applicant (representative, liaison, person in charge of payment, addressee of invoices, user) can also be applied for by the applicant himself/herself via the link below.
Application for registration or change of applicant information

Transfer of Tokens

Please refer to this page for the points to note when submitting an application.

Application forms